The Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC) was established under Presidential Circular No. 1 of 2001 as an institution of providing forum for Public and Private Dialogue (PPDs) with a viewto reaching consensus and mutual understanding of strategic issues relating to the efficient management of development resources in the promotion of socio-economic development of Tanzania. The ultimate goal is to create conducive business environment and investment climate for Private sector development for wealth and job creation, revenue generation and reduction of poverty in the country.
Since its establishment in 2001, TNBC has been instrumental and successful in delivering regulatory and policy reforms through structured PPDs at national and sub-national levels. TNBC platforms offers neutral and transparent space for dialogues and has contributed to the improvement of business environment through identification of business challenges and recommending strategic interventions for accelerating the country’s competitiveness and economic growth.
Some of the major notable outcomes of PPDs under TNBC include: -
1. Establishment and implementation of various reforms including:
- Blueprint for Regulatory Reforms to Improve the Business Environment;
- Reduction of industrial sugar customs duty from 15% to 5%;
- 100% Tax amnesty on penalties and fines
- Reduction or removal of fees and charges by regulatory authorities such as OSHA and NEMC.
- Reduction of Skills and Development Levy (SDL) from 6% to 4.5%
- Removal of duplication of roles between TMDA and TBS
- Improvement in the Dar Es Salaam port’s operation by operating 24 hours in 7 days per week
- Automation of BRELA processes ( Business name registration, Filling of Annual Returns, Issuance of class A & B business licenses etc)
2. Kilimo Kwanza initiative which subsequently resulted into establishment of SAGCOT entity and Tanzania Agriculture Development Bank (TaDB);
3. Establishment of Local Content Unit under the National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC)
4. TNBC through its Forestry Working Group championed the establishment of National Engineered Wood (EWP) Framework under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
5. Establishment of sub-national PPDs at Regional and District levels which have demonstrated a number of successful achievements at the local level. Recently, the Government through TNBC, President Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), and Prime Minister’s Office has prepared PPD Guideline for both RBCs and DBCs to strengthen their effectiveness. It has also collated lessons and best practices for sharing and replicating to regions countrywide.
Objectives of TNBC
The specific objectives for which TNBC was established are:
1. To provide a forum for PPDs with a view of reaching mutual consensus and understanding of strategic issues relating to the efficient management of development resources.
2. To promote the goals of economic growth with social-equity and even development.
3. To review from time to time development in external and domestic business environment, the challenges they pose to Tanzania, and propose a course of action.
4. To exchange views on the prevailing operating and regulatory environment, and propose ways to facilitate the public service delivery and make the civil service business friendly.
5. To encourage and promote the formulation of the coordinated policies on social and economic matters, including consideration of existing and proposed economic legislation, and make recommendations through the government to parliament or other appropriate bodies.
Functions of TNBC
In fulfilling its objectives, TNBC undertakes the following functions:
1. Cause to be conducted, such research or survey or study any aspect of social and economic development policy as it may deem fit.
2. Review specific research, and reports of policy proposals submitted to it by any of the consultative bodies. It may also call for and consider any reports as it deems necessary to provide clearer picture of affairs before it.
3. Set targets as well as performance benchmarks for implementing decisions or agreements reached, including assignment of responsibilities.
4. Monitor and evaluate implementation of policies and measures agreed upon, as to their effectiveness and outcomes.